Amazing movie, well it was fun watching this movie....
It had nothing for me in the beginning, a crappy start and the first action sequence just sucked.. it didn't work for me... then it became better and better.. but in many ways this movie is better than Clash of Titans, in the last one they tried so hard to make a story but they were not successful in doing even the 3D sucked, well they converted the movie just before the release so it was supposed to suck..
Lets talk about this movie for now... There are many improvements in this movie biggest one is the direction(all I know is they hired a better director), 3D was awesome and the biggest was Sam Worthington's acting all I can say is he did a nice job..
I never like to tell the story in my reviews so I am not going to do that here either... all I can tell you is some character in this movie are really awesome... all I will say is look out for the "NAVIGATOR"
they didn't tried to give any time for the characters to develop but there is a reason for that, they reserved the cast from the previous movie despite changing everything from Director to Story Writer

This movie is fun, there is just about a little comedy in it which is working, yes there is a fine cast in it but it is under utilized, the best part of this movie is the climax it is the most spectacular thing. Awesome visual, awesome concept watching Zeus and Hades fighting side by side(sorry this was a spoiler), I never though I would see that in a million years. They put up a nice show fighting Cronos. About Cromos I would say they he was under-utilized but his army was awesome.