Hercules is directed by Brett Ratner and stars Dwayne Johnson as Hercules, it is based on the graphic novel Hercules: The Thracian Wars. Honestly, I am thinking of a polite way to say how much this movie sucks.

Starting 15 minutes of this movie is boring as hell and the rest of it isn't that great either. For the most part this movie is predictable and enough to make you yawn several hundred times but towards the end there is a surprise element which I didn't see coming but after that I continued yawning.
If I have to explain this movie in simple terms, imagine a Superman movie in which Superman can't fly and he is not even an alien, this movie is exactly that.

Usually Dwayne Johnson saves movie franchises but this time he was a distraction. A Demi-God really doesn't have to be a freakishly huge, source of his strength can be a paranormal or something. This movie wanted to be realistic and I will say no one wants a realistic Hercules movie. Hercules is a known character to most people and we expect to see certain elements from a Hercules movie but this movie just expects us to forget all that in a minute and just accept their incarnation without much character buildup.