My problem stared with the premise of the movie. Kids are being trained for war by playing video games, how can anyone not have a problem with that. Once I was able to digest that, this movie started shoving Ender's character down my throat. I understood he is a great tactician and strategist 10th time Ford said it, even though he looked like a psychopath to me.

This movie reminded me of Harry Potter and Starship Troopers several times, which is not a bad thing but not a great thing either, for me this movie lacks a soul. Moral confusion is one of the biggest theme of the movie and it clearly says "you can't win if you follow rules" and but then the stakes never felt high cause we never saw what these aliens could do or did, so all of this felt meaningless.
The biggest flaw of this movie is, it lacks seriousness, it needed a real galactic battle to show what the aliens could do but instead every action sequence was either inside a video game or a battle in controlled environment. So we never really cared for any of the character, it never felt that any of the character was ever in any danger of getting killed.