This movie also has Michael Keaton(Batman) and Gary Oldman(Commissioner Gordon). I went to see this movie for these two alone. It also stars Samuel L. Jackson, who could have been edited out of the movie and it wouldn't have made any difference. Keaton plays a businessman who just wants to make profit, even if its unethical or against the law.
I have seen the original one several times since then and I love it but the remake caught me off by surprise it has depth in it, characters were well realized, I actually cared for Murphy through out the movie. Gary Oldman is like Frankenstein and RoboCop is his monster, which I really liked.
I also like the fact that they didn't too much screen time to his family, it was established that he cared for his wife and son. Abbe Cornish plays Murphy's wife and she was convincing enough to convey the pain his family felt. Child actor who played his son wasn't irritating and that's always good.
This movie has so many elements, Murphy's vengeance, corrupt cops, family dynamics and a selfish businessman. Towards the end suddenly they changed the focus of the film, which would have been a nice surprise, if it was not a Remake cause we knew what was gonna happen, so it felt a little forced to me.
This is the problem with Remakes, we already know the plot of the movie so it becomes predictable and when they try to do something really different it receives a backlash from the fans of the original. Unless Hollywood finds a way to make Remakes different, it's really not gonna work. In the last few years we have seen many Remakes like Planet of Apes, Total Recall, Spiderman, Dredd, Godzilla, The karate Kid, Conan The Barbarian and RoboCop but not many of them have been successful financially or were even watchable. Studios just need to be a little careful before they ruin their properties for good.

This movie has so many elements, Murphy's vengeance, corrupt cops, family dynamics and a selfish businessman. Towards the end suddenly they changed the focus of the film, which would have been a nice surprise, if it was not a Remake cause we knew what was gonna happen, so it felt a little forced to me.
This is the problem with Remakes, we already know the plot of the movie so it becomes predictable and when they try to do something really different it receives a backlash from the fans of the original. Unless Hollywood finds a way to make Remakes different, it's really not gonna work. In the last few years we have seen many Remakes like Planet of Apes, Total Recall, Spiderman, Dredd, Godzilla, The karate Kid, Conan The Barbarian and RoboCop but not many of them have been successful financially or were even watchable. Studios just need to be a little careful before they ruin their properties for good.