This movie is based on Hiroshi Sikurazaka's novel "All You Need is Kill". This is the best Video Game movie we will ever gonna get although its not based on one. It feels like when you are playing Call of Duty to earn a medal, you fight and with each turn you get better, you are able to kill more goons, you score better its exactly that.

This movie doesn't explain the reset thing entirely and it did not need to, there was a small explanation and it worked. This was done by Emily Blunt, she is a Badass character in the movie and she guides Cruise how to deal with the situation
For me, if the score doesn't bother me a lot its good and it didn't bother me in this one maybe because the movie was too intense, Tom Cruise proved he can still handle action movies like he did 20 years ago. Emily Blunt sold the badass she was in this movie.
No need for Rating, go and watch this movie